
Here are links to some of our blacksmithing-related pages and videos.

Forging Square Corners

Blacksmith Lee Sauder demonstrates how to forge corners without welding.

Forging a Copper Tuyere

Smelter/Blacksmith Lee Sauder demonstrates how to forge a copper tuyere for use in furnaces and forge. An excerpt from the film Between the Rock and the Hard Place.

Lee Sauder Website

The Blacksmith and the Devil

Storyteller Shel Browder, Ore Dog’s narrator, tells the story of “The Blacksmith and the Devil.”

Smelting Iron from Iron Ore

Stephen Mankowski, Shel Browder, and Ken Koons first met during the filming of this video in 2000.

Iron Ore-sniffing Dog

Shadow Bug the iron ore-sniffing dog helps blacksmiths find ore for smelting. An excerpt from the film Ore to Axe by Ken Koons.